Director’s Corner

By Les Balsiger, J.D.

The Future of Lecture Capture and YuJa at LCCC

Over the last six years we have been searching for a software solution that will meet all of our requirements for lecture capture, collaborative meetings, and a media server for films to use in our classes. About a year ago I received a phone call from a software salesman, which I receive many every week. Normally I listen politely to them and inform them we are not interested.yujamenu

Something about this product caught my attention. For one it had an interesting name YuJa.  I asked this gentleman if it could replace both Tegrity and BlackBoard Collaborate, and he said yes. I gave him some of my time then had our team in the Center for Learning Technologies take a look at it. We thought it had merit. After a couple of demonstrations, we went up to Casper College to talk to our counterparts there who have been using YuJa for over a year, and they reported that it was a great product. YuJa does lecture capture similar to Tegrity, but it also will do collaborative sessions like BlackBoard Collobrate. In addition, we can move our videos and audios over to YuJa from MediaCast.

After talking with Chad Marley and Terry Harper we committed to a pilot for spring semester 2016. We currently have 18 faculty members using it and are adding more as we train them. We are going to move from Tegrity, BlackBoard Collaborate and Media Cast over to YuJa on June 1, 2016. Besides having multiple functions, YuJa will save us over $45,000 a year. This will allow us to look at other improvements and ideas in the future.

If you have not done so already, please sign up for the YuJa Training and start using it in your courses. You can contact Laura Sigsbury at 307-778-1255 or and get started today. Our team at the Center for Learning Technologies is here to work with you on this transition. Please let us know if you have any questions about the videos you have in Tegrity.


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